Ett tyst rop.

Styrk hemligt kristna som Khada med undervisning och lärjungaträning.


Standard Page with Banner

This template is the Wide but with a Banner included. This banner is usually used to introduce a website section.


The banner image is defined in the 'Custom CSS' within the current page using the following [code]:

  1. /* defaults for templates for overriding */
  2. body .page-hero {
  3.     background-image: url(/img/banner-placeholder)!important;
  4.     background-position: center center;  
  5.     height: 600px;
  6.   }

The image is stored in a Web File either in the '/banner' folder or the current page.

Copy is stored in the current page 'Banner' field.  To insert banner text, click Edit (Banner copy), click the 'Insert Template' icon   select the template '.Banner Header Text', and select Insert -> Full Code and click Save.

Featured Actions

The template includes a 'Featured Actions' section which has a grey background and would normally be populated with:

  1. the secondary navigation
  2. the main campaign ask
  3. secondary actions

Sub Footer

The template also includes a 'Sub Footer' section which has a blue background and can be used for any further content which deserves to be visually distinct.

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